It is Friday morning, I have a goal in mind and I will achieve it, so as long as it all follows the desire sequence. However, let's digress for now and follow me on a short tour. I once said (circa 2011) something to the effect that: should I happen to find a befitting steed of Bavarian origins I may just procure one. Time it seems will conspire in favor or otherwise, and yet the the systematic path to reach the objective will remain in focus and today it seems it is that day. I have been thinking and plotting this trip for a few days now, it is rather a simple far from extraordinary affair. On a Sunday morning I set out North due Northwest toward Solvang, CA., a holdover place that mimics a Danish town in a setting that is rather Moto inviting. The weather it seems will take the Moto enthusiast and add the mandatory confounding variables as a sort of icing on the adventure. The weather calls for a cloudy overcast sky with a low probability of precipitation. And that low probability of rain varies depending on how high one climbs. The ride starts as most, full of trepidation.
The first 100 miles/160km are uneventful illuminated by bright solar rays, it all seems well and predictable until a bright orange sign near Santa Barbara CA, indicates and suggests caution over the hill as fog and rain disguise what are normally green hills, now covered in a thick shroud of dangerous road conditions. The visibility is limited the inattentive cage drivers plentiful. There are immediate decisions to be executed. Shall one pull over and remain in place awaiting more favorable conditions and try to mitigate what could lead to finality? I have made my peace with the world before mounting my steed, thus I will forge ahead. There are limited tasks at hand, those being roll the throttle, and enjoy the Ride. After a few miles of intense, shifting and braking the sky rewards the rider with an intrinsic terrain. The scene is full of rolling hills, majestic greenery and smooth tarmac, I have been awaiting these circumstances for some time now. And now as I ride at 55mph/km, lean left and right completely immersed in my environment, I smile.
Now back to that Friday morning, that encapsulates 18 years of patiently awaiting the arrival, the arrival of the mechanical steed from Bavaria. There is an old marketing slogan that states that good things come to those who wait, I fully disagree and instead I would argue to start pursuing, stop waiting and start existing in the present while being prepared to absorb the toll of achievement, for nothing is free of cost. As Pablo Picasso once said, "Every act of creation is first an act of destruction". I have arrived home to California on a Bavarian steed, thus created a new path. My name is Fredo, I am a Tarmac Surfer and this is my Reality, Exponentially Beautiful Reality.
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