The time finally arrived, sixty-six months after taking an unplanned turn and arriving in the D.C area it is time to leave it all behind. It is time to find new destinations and new tarmac to surf in Ohio and beyond. Yes, I said Ohio. My exit from the Matrix was rather anti-climatic since I was unable to surf my way out of there and instead I had to ship Ibex via trailer in order to avoid the deluge that was battering the area.
Furthermore, the arrival of full fledge winter weather means that all surfing operations are now grounded and in hibernation mode. This season was my least road active season to date, once again time and obligations conspired against me and my moto ambitions. Does this mean I am bitter about it as a double IPA? Far from it, I am rather at ease. Tarmac Surfing is about qualitative experiences.
In an ideal world one would be able to ride for thousands of miles consecutively. I am far from idealist and know that perfection is attainable yet unsustainable. It's all in perspective.
This season I rode a measly 1709 miles/2750 km. And yet I enjoyed almost every single mile. Every time I ride is a new opportunity to find moto bliss, whether the ride is one mile or one thousand miles. It is interesting how most times I shared my moto lifestyle choice with some individuals, they feel compelled to either share unpleasant stories or make statements to dissuade me from my moto. Seldom has anyone asked why do I surf, or how does surfing make me feel? I doubt many questioned B.B. King as to why he played and loved the Blues, given that some may find them as less then uplifting. Some things are better left unexplained.
Twenty-sixteen has arrived and I shall continue to Tarmac Surf West until I am home again. This is my reality, exponentially beautiful reality.